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C Program to Calculate Simple Interest Until User Says to Continue

In this easy coded program, you will learn how to calculate simple interest until the user says to continue by taking input of principle amount, number of years, rate of interest  and wish for continuation from the user.

Try adding final calculated amount which will include the principle amount plus the calculated simple interest in this program for your self practice.

C Program to Calculate Simple Interest Until User Says to Continue

Program to Calculate Simple Interest Until User Says to Continue

/*Simple Interest Until User says to Continue- do while loop*/


void main()
        float p, n, r, si;
        char opt;

        printf("Enter Principle Amount, No. of Years, Rate of Interest= ");
            scanf("%f %f %f", &p, &n, &r);

            si = (p*n*r)/100;

            printf("\nSimple Interest= %f\n", si);

            printf("\nDo you want to continue?  Y/y OR N/n: ");
            scanf("%s", &opt);
    } while(opt=='Y'||opt=='y');
Enter Principle Amount, No. of Years, Rate of Interest= 1000 10 10

Simple Interest= 1000.000000

Do you want to continue?  Y/y OR N/n: y
Enter Principle Amount, No. of Years, Rate of Interest= 2000 12 11.3

Simple Interest= 2712.000000

Do you want to continue?  Y/y OR N/n: n

Hope you found this 'C Program to Calculate Simple Interest Until User Says to Continue' easy, simple and helpful!

Try to solve more queries by yourself by referring more examples from BEGINC. Here you will get the most easiest code to each and every query. Keep practicing. More programs are coming. 


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